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How to calculate the specific gravity of high purity quartz sand?

2020-01-09 H:48:25

The specific gravity of high purity quartz sand is 2.65, 2.65 is the true density of high purity quartz sand, which is equivalent to the true density of SiO2 complete crystal structure. 1.6 High purity quartz sand with a certain packing density is piled up with gaps in the middle. Take the weight of the high-purity quartz sand divide it by the volume.

High purity quartz sand packing density calculation does use water. The density of high purity quartz sand, the packing density of high purity quartz sand, the proportion of high purity quartz sand, but also depends on the purity of high purity quartz sand (but the influence of purity is very small), the size of high purity quartz sand particle size can also affect the density, packing density proportion of high purity quartz sand. It is generally believed that the accumulation is between 1.6 1.7. If you want to test the density of high purity quartz sand, bulk density.

The interception capacity of high purity quartz sand filter material refers to the impurity content intercepted by the filter material (that is, the sand layer in the filter) in the high purity quartz sand filter. The interception capacity is also called the amount of pollution, the filter area of high purity quartz sand filter is related to the filtration area, the greater the filtration area, the greater the amount of pollution. Impurities are mainly dust in the air, pharmaceutical products of circulating water, biological slime produced by microbial metabolism so on.



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